Wilber School Redevelopment Committee

October 17th, 2005 Meeting Minutes

Amended and Approved November 8, 2005


Committee Attendees

Michael Baskin

David Gordon

David DePree

Marilyn Z. Kahn

Craig Edwards

Melissa Mills

Jim Goldsmith

Joel Tran


Meeting Initiation

Meeting was called to order at 7:45 pm by Jim Goldsmith.



Edwards/Mills moved to accept minutes for 7/25, pro forma. Committee unanimously approved.


Gordon/Tran moved to accept minutes as amended for 9/26. Committee unanimously approved.


Baskin/Tran moved to accept minutes as amended for 10/11. Committee unanimously approved.


Meeting Discussion

A general review of the discussion held with consultants Koff and Bluestone on 10/11/05 ensued between the committee members in order to bring DePree, Goldsmith and Gordon up to date with a specific focus on diagram 11 provided by K/B. The parking issue as relates to municipal use on the property, needing assigned spots in order to obtain their grant was brought up. Goldsmith questioned if spots can be allocated to the library and then obtain a waiver from specific boards. Kahn suggested that perhaps separate entrances or assigned parking would be a solution. Tran stated that what the Board of Libraries recommends does not mean it will happen. The ZBA can approve variances and decide what is needed.


Goldsmith asked for clarification on mounding. Baskin stated mounding is an issue of water which is sub-grade, mounding up. If you add 10,000gpd in the soil, any mounding impact on properties depends on where it is located. The water table will follow various strata’s of soil underground. With reference to houses in the Wilber zone, water issues could be site specific, in that some houses are over underground springs. Problems people are having now may not be exacerbated by the redevelopment of the Wilber. Tran stated that existing conditions have to be the same when building out.


Baskin reported that Capital Outlay voted favorably for the Wilber and would support at Town Meeting. Fin Comm has not taken a position as of yet. Baskin stated that the presentation at Town Meeting would perhaps include interior slides taken by Mills of the buildings deterioration, a statement about the WSRC and that the committee has been meeting almost every week working for one full year. There is no definitive timeframe to expect the property be redeveloped however and there is a continued risk of exposure.


The committee discussed the term “mixed use” and per DePree, we do not need to be more specific in an RFP. Developers give us their thoughts including what is feasible. If we get no response to a desirable plan, then demolition of the building may be needed.


Tran suggested scheduling a meeting with the ZBA, Con Comm, BOH, Planning Board and Historic Commission to talk about areas Koff identified needing variances/zoning changes. Baskin stated that the meeting with the Historical Commission should be separate from other parties. The committee was unsure as to when the Weston and Sampson Report would be presented to help address water issues and therefore thought to put off the Con Comm and BOH piece until results were received.


Decision was made to set up a meeting on 10/24 with ZBA and Planning Board. Tran will invite boards/organize meeting.


The committee agreed to ask Steven Crane help walk through the RFP writing process and suggested 11/7 for this meeting. Tran will contact Crane.


Gordon agreed to run an article in the papers regarding Capital Outlay voting in favor of Wilber and the Finance Committee support.


Future Meetings:

  1. Monday, October 24th, 7:30pm Town Hall , Hearing Room, lower level
  2. Monday, November 7th, 7:30pm Sharon Public Library, Reference Room
  3. Monday, November 14th, 7pm Town Meeting, Sharon High School Auditorium (front left hand (when facing the stage) section reserved for committees)
  4. Monday, November 21st 7:30pm Room TBD


DePree/Mills moved to adjourn meeting at 8:45pm; motion carried unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,

Rachelle F. Levitts